Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wijzigen van ODS Wachtwoord

In de repository-database van de Oracle Application Server wordt door Oracle allerlei informatie bijgehouden. Voor IM (Identity Management) en OID (Oracle Internet Directory) gebeurt dit vooral in het ODS-schema. Oracle slaat het wachtwoord van de ODS gebruiker ook op in een zogenaamde Wallet-file. Deze file wordt door ondermeer OID gelezen wanneer het ODS-schema in de database benaderd moet worden.

Wanneer tijdens het opstarten van Identity Management in de logfiles ($ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs) in de verschillende logfiles (ondermeer oid.log) de meldingen “invalid username/password” of “account is locked” voorkomen, is dit in de meeste gevallen te wijten aan een ‘mismatch’ tussen het database-wachtwoord van ODS en het wachtwoord zoals opgeslagen in de wallet-file. Wanneer het wachtwoord van de database-gebruiker ODS gewijzigd wordt (alter user ODS identified by wachtwoord), zal niet automatisch de Wallet-file worden geactualiseerd.

Hieronder worden de stappen weergegeven om het wachtwoord van ODS te wijzigen. Dit stappenplan kan ook doorlopen worden wanneer het wachtwoord van ODS niet meer bekend is. In onderstaande stappen wordt uitgegaan dat de INFRABV-database, een RAC database is die op twee of meer nodes draait.

Stap 1: Wijzigen ODS database-wachtwoord

  • Log in als Oracle op de eerste node. Zet het environment (met .oraenv) naar de infrastructure database.

  • Start SQL*Plus op en login als sys (sqlplus /@sysdba)

  • Wijzig het wachtwoord van de ODS gebruiker (alter user ods identified by abc;)/LI>

Stap 2: Unlock het ODS database-account
Standaard is er een profile van toepassing op de ODS gebruiker. Dit houdt in dat wanneer er een aantal foutieve inlogpogingen zijn gedaan, het account gelocked wordt. Dit houdt in dat het account niet meer te gebruiken is, ook al beschikt men over het juiste wachtwoord. De status van het account kan worden gecontroleerd met behulp van het volgende command:

select account_status from dba_users where username=’ODS’;

Indien het account gelocked is (dit is wanneer de status niet gelijk is aan OPEN), moet het account weer worden vrijgegeven. Dit kan met het volgende commando:

alter user ods account unlock;

Stap 3: Actualiseren van de Wallet-file
Indien het database-wachtwoord van ODS is aangepast, moet ook de Wallet-file worden geactualiseerd met dit nieuwe wachtwoord. Deze stap moet worden uitgevoerd op elke OID-node. Het is echter ook mogelijk om dit op 1 node uit te voeren en vervolgens de wallet-file handmatig te kopieren (scp) naar de overige nodes.

De Wallet-file (oidpwdlldap1) wordt aangemaakt in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin.

Log in als de oracle-gebruiker op Linux en zet het environment naar appserv. Voer vervolgens het volgende commando uit om de Wallet-file te actualiseren

oidpasswd connect=INFRABV create_wallet=true

Tijdens het uitvoeren van bovenstaand commando wordt om een wachtwoord gevraagd. Dit is het ODS wachtwoord zoals in de INFRABV-database (repository) is ingesteld.

Met behulp van de connect-clause wordt aangegeven met welke Infrastructure-database een connectie gemaakt moet worden. Met de create_wallet-clause wordt aangegeven dat de Wallet-file geactualiseerd moet worden.

Het is ook mogelijk om in 1 keer het database-wachtwoord van ODS en de Wallet-file te actualiseren. Het is dan wel noodzakelijk dat het ODS-databasewachtwoord bekend is.

oidpasswd connect=INFRABV change_oiddb_pwd=true

Hierbij moet eerst het actuele database-wachtwoord van ODS worden ingevoerd, vervolgens kan een nieuw wachtwoord worden ingevoerd.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oracle VM (at first glace)

Oracle heeft een nieuw en wellicht revolutionair product in de markt gezet: Oracle VM (virtual machine). Hiermee manifesteert Oracle zich als een van de belangrijkste aanbieders op deze nieuwe markt. Oracle's technologie is gebaseerd op deels Open Source producten (Xen) als eigen producten (Oracle XE en apex).

Om gebruik te kunnen maken van VM-technology moeten er miminaal twee servers met statische IP-adressen voorhanden zijn. Op de eerste machine wordt de Oracle VM Management Console geinstalleerd. Dit is het control center om VM-machines te creeren, te starten en stoppen. Op dit moment kan de Management Console alleen op een Linux platform worden geinstalleerd (RedHat Enterpise Linux of Oracle eigen Unbreakable Linux vanaf versie 4.5).

Wanneer Oracle VM Management Console wordt geinstalleerd, worden de volgende onderdelen geimplementeerd:

- Oracle 10g XE Database (Express Edition)
- Oracle Application Server Express Edition (APEX)
- OC4J container

De Oracle VM Management Console is middels een HTTP-Interface te benaderen:

Hieronder is zichtbaar dat de Oracle VM Management Console in een OC4J-container draait:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Change DBID of database

When cloning a database, the database will get no new DBID. This makes it impossible to backup the database with RMAN as the DBID is no longer unique. A new DBID and optional a new DB_NAME can be created with nid.

Below the steps are detailed to change the DBID:

SQL> connect /as sysdba

SQL> shutdown immediate ;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 641728512 bytes
Fixed Size 1304432 bytes
Variable Size 437000336 bytes
Database Buffers 201326592 bytes
Redo Buffers 2097152 bytes
Database mounted.

Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining options

bash-3.00$ nid target=/
DBNEWID: Release - 64bit Production
Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to database PINF1 (DBID=4250054534)

Connected to server version 10.1.0

Control Files in database:

Change database ID of database PINF1? (Y/[N]) => Y

Proceeding with operation
Changing database ID from 4250054534 to 4266449216
Control File /u03/oradata/PINF1/control01.ctl - modified
Control File /u04/oradata/PINF1/control02.ctl - modified
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/system001.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u04/oradata/PINF1/undotbs001.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/sysaux001.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/users001.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/portal.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ptldoc.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ptlidx.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ptllog.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ias_meta01.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/discopltm1.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/discopltc1.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/dcm.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/oss_sys01.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/wcrsys01.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ip_rt.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ip_dt.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ip_idx.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/ip_lob.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/oca.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/uddisys01.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/attrs1_oid.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/battrs1_oid.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/gcats1_oid.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/gdefault1_oid.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/svrmg1_oid.dbf - dbid changed
Datafile /u03/oradata/PINF1/temp001.dbf - dbid changed
Control File /u03/oradata/PINF1/control01.ctl - dbid changed
Control File /u04/oradata/PINF1/control02.ctl - dbid changed
Instance shut down

Database ID for database PINF1 changed to 4266449216.
All previous backups and archived redo logs for this database are unusable.
Database is not aware of previous backups and archived logs in Recovery Area.
Database has been shutdown, open database with RESETLOGS option.
Succesfully changed database ID.
DBNEWID - Completed succesfully.

bash-3.00$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Feb 22 16:18:13 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> connect /as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup mount ;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 641728512 bytes
Fixed Size 1304432 bytes
Variable Size 437000336 bytes
Database Buffers 201326592 bytes
Redo Buffers 2097152 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database open resetlogs ;

Database altered.

AWR in a nuttshell

The AWR automatically creates snapshots of the database at certain moments in time and keep these in the AWR repository for a certain retention-period. To view the current settings of AWR, the following query should be executed:


---------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------
652048328 +00000 00:15:00.0 +00007 00:00:00.0

This means that a snapshot is taken every 15 minutes and will be kept for 7 days. To change these settings, the procedure DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.modify_snapshot_settings can be used:

retention => 10080, -- Minutes (= 30 Days). Current value retained if NULL.
interval => 15); -- Minutes. Current value retained if NULL.

To view the available snapshots in the AWR repository:

select SNAP_ID, BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME, END_INTERVAL_TIME from dba_hist_snapshot;

---------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
3558 18-FEB-07 AM 18-FEB-07 AM
3590 19-FEB-07 PM 19-FEB-07 PM
3607 20-FEB-07 PM 20-FEB-07 PM
3507 15-FEB-07 AM 15-FEB-07 AM
3525 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 AM
3526 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 AM
3527 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 AM
3528 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 AM
3529 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 AM
3530 16-FEB-07 AM 16-FEB-07 PM
3531 16-FEB-07 PM 16-FEB-07 PM

Deletion of snapshot is done automatically by setting the retention-time. To manually delete snapshot-ranges, the following command can be used:

Exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.drop_snapshot_range (low_snap_id => 3506,
high_snap_id => 3608);

To create a manually snapshot:


To create a report on comparison of two snapshots:


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Determine if PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set big enough

Since Oracle9i, the dynamic initialisation parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET replaces parameters like sort_area_size and bitmap_merge_area_size. PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set for all server-processes and not for each. If PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to 200mb, all server processes share these 200mb of memory. The minimum value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is 10mb.

To determine if PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set high enough, the following query can be executed:

select name,value from v$sysstat where name like 'workarea executions%';

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
workarea executions - optimal 31570
workarea executions - onepass 0
workarea executions - multipass 0

In the above example all operations (all executions) have been execute in memory (optimal situation). When the operation was too big to be executed in memory, a part of the transaction was written to disk (onepass). If several swaps were needed, the Multipass counter will be increased.

In the example below, the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set too low:

---------------------------------------- ----------
workarea executions - optimal 510
workarea executions - onepass 1
workarea executions - multipass 4

The view v$pgastat give additional information about the use of the PGA:

select * from v$pgastat;

---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------
aggregate PGA target parameter 524288000 bytes
aggregate PGA auto target 451537920 bytes
global memory bound 26214400 bytes
total PGA inuse 22575104 bytes
total PGA allocated 55227392 bytes
maximum PGA allocated 194516992 bytes
total freeable PGA memory 10682368 bytes
PGA memory freed back to OS 882114560 bytes
total PGA used for auto workareas 0 bytes
maximum PGA used for auto workareas 1022976 bytes
total PGA used for manual workareas 0 bytes
maximum PGA used for manual workareas 0 bytes
over allocation count 0
bytes processed 2193918976 bytes
extra bytes read/written 0 bytes
cache hit percentage 100 percent

16 rows selected.

The second line (aggregate PGA auto target) should be just a little less then the target parameter (1ste line). The setting ‘over allocation count’ indicates the number of times Oracle has to allocate additional memory as Oracle cannot honor the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET setting. If optimal, this parameter should be close to zero. The line ‘cache hit percentage’ corresponds with the number of bytes executed in optimal buffers compared to the total number of bytes (see v$sysstat). Ideally the cache hit percentage should be close to 100%.

In case of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set too small, the view V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE can be used to determine the minimum setting for PGA_ALLOCATIE_TARGET considering the current workload:

select round(pga_target_for_estimate/1024/1024) as target_size_MB,
bytes_processed,estd_extra_bytes_rw as est_rw_extra_bytes,
estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage as est_hit_pct,
estd_overalloc_count as est_overalloc
from v$pga_target_advice;

-------------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------
63 2197386240 0 100 5
125 2197386240 0 100 0
250 2197386240 0 100 0
375 2197386240 0 100 0
500 2197386240 0 100 0
600 2197386240 0 100 0
700 2197386240 0 100 0
800 2197386240 0 100 0
900 2197386240 0 100 0
1000 2197386240 0 100 0
1500 2197386240 0 100 0
2000 2197386240 0 100 0
3000 2197386240 0 100 0
4000 2197386240 0 100 0

When PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to 63mb, the estimate hit percentage is 5. This means 5% of transactions are executes as onepass or multipass. In the above situation, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET can be set to 125mb. In this situation there would be no over allocation and the hit ration would be 100%

Block change tracking in Oracle10

The time needed to create a RMAN incremental backup can be decreased by using the Block Change Tracking (BCT). When BCT is activated, Oracle doesn't have to scan all blocks in datafiles to determine whether a datablock has been changed. Information about changed datablocks are written to an external file.

To activate the recording of Block change tracking, execute the following command:

alter database enable block change tracking
using file ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/change_tracking.f’;

Is the file already exists, the REUSE-clause can be added to the command.

When the OMF-option is used, Oracle will automatically create and name the BCT-file:

alter database enable block change tracking;

The BCT-mode can be disabled by:

alter database disable block change tracking;

The BCT-file will also be deleted by this command.

Information about the BCT-mode can be found in the view

desc v$block_change_tracking
Name Null? Type
------------------- -------------- ------------------

The percentage of blocks read for an incremental backup can be determined by issuing the following query:

select file#,
avg(blocks_read/datafile_blocks) * 100 as “% read for backup”
from v$backup_datafile
where incremental_level > 0
and used_change_tracking = ‘YES’
group by file#
order by file#;

When the BCT-mode is activated or deactivated, a message is written to the alert.log file. The tracking file can be renamed by 'alter database rename file'-command. The BCT-file cannot be backuped by using RMAN.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The good thing about the old pfile was that you could easily commenting out some parameter-values (resetting them to their original value) or add comments on changes made to the pfile.

In the SPFILE you can do the same:

To comment out a parameter-value (reset it to its original value) you can you:


To change a parameter-value and add a comment to it, use:

ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics=TRUE COMMENT=Change due error 123' SCOPE=BOTH;

Parameters starting with an underscore should be placed between quotes